Welcome to Project ¡Hola!
Project Hola helps English-speaking Pinnacle offices provide exceptional care and service to our Spanish-speaking patients.
Before Day One, use text to communicate. If necessary, copy/paste to Google Translate.
Use the Spanish-language paper Intake forms
Doctors: During your exam, demonstrate actions first. For example, position yourself at the x-ray, then gesture for your patient to do the same.
Please note: These phrases are intentionally simple, making them easy for non-Spanish speakers to use. While they may not always be grammatically perfect, they will help you communicate more effectively.​​​​
Quick Spanish for Doctors
Quick Spanish for CAs
Day One
​Ice, no heat​​​
Day Two
Fast and easy Coordination of Care
​​Daily Visit
See you tomorrow!​​​​
Day One
You have a problem in your back. or You have pain here? (point)
I need to do an exam, x-rays, and if it is safe I will adjust you today.
Day Two
Fast and easy Report of Findings
Fast and easy Cash Report of Findings​
​​Daily Visit
Ice, no heat​​​
Referral phrases​
Happy you’re here! or Thank you for being here!